Saturday, September 16, 2006

Pictures From Ground Zero, 9/11/06

Each year on the night of September 11th the "ghosts" of the Twin Towers appear at Ground Zero as twin columns of laser lights that shine upward into the sky as far as the eye can see. It's a starkly beautiful remembrance of the buildings themselves and of the events that occurred there. Driving my taxi around the city that night, I took some shots of the lights from various vantage points and wound up stopping at Ground Zero at 3 AM to pay my respects.

From 5th Avenue as it enters Greenwich Village.

An artsy kind of shot taken from the 59th Street Bridge.

The source of the lights turned out to be from the roof of a parking lot above the entrance to the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel.

Ground Zero is four blocks in length. The gargantuan pit can be viewed from behind a fence on the Church Street side.

The one person I knew who perished that day was Debbie Paris, the wife of my old friend Jim Marrash. I remember Debbie as a caring and lovely person.

One of the items displayed on the fence surrounding Ground Zero was this collection of pictures and messages from children in an elementary school in California. It contained this bit of advice...


  1. Hey nice photos and good blog

  2. Added you to my blogroll, I love your writing! Funny, poignant, and all too familiar to us cabbies. Please keep on keeping on.

  3. It still saddens me when I see pics of that infamous day, I remember watching it on CNN when the 2nd plane struck...couldn't believe my heart goes out to evryone who knew someone that parished. It will be something that will stay with us for the rest of our lives. Also I added you to my blogroll, keep up the good work!
